ILR Show
November 15, 2010
Call Meeting – November 15, 2010, 8 pm EST
Members Present:
Lynda Carothers
Mary Jo
Judy Ross
Fran Soukup – Chair
Pamela Tait –
Betty Moe
Meeting was
called to order at 8:01 pm EST. 5 out of 6 committee members
were present.
Minutes from
October 11, 2010, meeting – approved by email and sent to office
for posting.
Fran has
gone through all of the Fleece Division forms and done some
tweaking and re-arranging; the forms were sent ahead of time to
the committee for review. Pam made a motion to approve these
changes; Lynda seconded motion. Motion passed unanimously.
for the terms Guard Hair and Undercoat were added to our
fleece definitions. Mary Jo made a motion to approve these
additions; Pam seconded motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Fran had
sent a list of updates for the Guidelines ahead of time for
review by the committee. Also discussed was the placement of
fleece scorecards within the text of the Guidelines versus only
in the Appendix.
Additional Fleece Products classes
Lynda and
Betty had submitted a new, Other fleece products scorecard to
the committee for review. This scorecard is intended to be used
in two ways: First, as an additional, optional class for
superintendents to offer for exhibitors showing miscellaneous
items that do not ‘fit into the established fleece products
classes (i.e. lead ropes, embroidery, etc); and second, to offer
the superintendents an Other/Misc fleece products class which
would include all of the items to be entered in (woven, knit,
felted, etc), in lieu of offering each individual class. Pam
made a motion to approve the Other scorecard; Mary Jo seconded.
Motion passed unanimously.
committee will need to come up with guidelines, product
descriptions and fleece product definitions for this additional
scorecard and class. Betty and Lynda will work on these.
Fleece Clinics
Mary Jo gave
the committee an update on planned fleece clinics for 2011.
There is one scheduled at Niki Kuklenskis on July 7, 8, 9 & 10,
and one at Barb Bakers April 29 through May 1. These clinics
are pending approval by the judges committee. Mary Jo and Judy
are instructing at the Ohio clinic; instructors at the WA clinic
to be determined.
Composite Class
Mary Jo gave
the committee some feedback on her experience with offering the
composite class at the North American show. They had a
tremendous number of entries in the class – 37! She noted that
the worksheet used to compute the composite class placings is
being reworked in order to make it easier for superintendents.
Also noted in our discussion is to link the composite class
worksheet within our Guidelines.
Get &
Produce fleece classes
Pam asked
for some input on the scoring for these classes from the three
fleece judges on the committee, Fran, Mary Jo and Judy. There
was much discussion on whether it should be scored separately,
or using already scored scorecards, or a combination of the two.
Fran proposed that we offer the Get & Produce fleece classes as
optional classes and work out the scoring and logistics of it
Champion Trophies & Certificates
It has been
approved by the board to do trophies and certificates for the
fleece division. The committee decided to have the same trophies
awarded as Halter and Performance, with Fleece Champion on
them. The certificates will also be the same, but with Fleece
wording. Fleece Products awards will also be consistent with the
other divisions.
Combining Fleece Divisions
There was
some discussion on allowing superintendents to combine fleece
divisions with low numbers of entries. It was decided that we
would reword as: Show management, with the Judges agreement,
MAY choose to combine the above divisions when anticipating low
numbers of entries. This would apply to Shorn Fleece and Fleece
Gathering of Friends & Champions Show
committee discussed the fleece division participation in the
show. Volunteers should contact Norris Berg.
Committee Members
The Fleece
Committee would like to acknowledge and thank
Lynda Carothers for her
contributions during her two years of work on the committee, as
this was Lyndas last committee meeting. Thank you, Lynda!
for the 2011 term are already in, and electronic ballots should
be coming out via email soon.
Fleece Judging
It was noted
by one of the committee members that we have a judge listed as
an alpaca fleece judge on the judges list; however, we have no
guidelines, rules or scorecards for alpaca judging at this time.
Mary Jo cleared up this confusion by stating that alpacas are
not eligible to show in fleece, as an ILR registration number is
required to show in fleece classes. Fran will contact the judges
Motion to
adjourn was made by Mary Jo; Pam seconded. All ayes, motion passed.
Next meeting
is tentatively scheduled for Monday, January 10th,
2011. Meeting adjourned at 9:43 pm EST.
All motions approved by the Fleece Committee still need to be
approved by the Governing Board before they go into effect.
Minutes submitted by
Pamela Tait, ILR Fleece Committee Secretary.