ILR Show Division Fleece Committee Minutes - August 30, 2011
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ILR Show Division


August 30, 2011

Conference Call Meeting – August 30, 2011, 8:06 pm Eastern Time

Committee Members Present:         
Pamela Tait – Chair
Rawna Hamann – Secretary
Mary Jo Miller                         
Betty Moe
Fran Soukup
Judy Ross


Meeting was called to order at 8:06 pm EDT. All 6 committee members were present.


Minutes from April 4, 2011 meeting – approved by email and sent to office for posting. 


1.   Fleece Awards & Fleece Products awards program: in the guidelines. ILR is tracking them; certificates forth coming

2.   Add "All Things Fleece" to Fleece Committee mission statement: Fran moved that this addition be added. Betty second and it was passed.

3.   Letters: The Committee reviewed the letters of concern. There was lengthy discussion over several sections of the letters. Pam will compose response letters, which the Committee will preview and make suggestions/changes before sending. There was additional discussion as to whether we could have an e-bulletin sent out with the changes recommended due to the concerns brought forth. Some specific issues and recommendations are as follows:

a.       Simplify fleece entries for exhibitor by not having exhibitors enter the fleece division. Suggestion: We will suggest having exhibitors enter with age only for some shows and the Judges can then make the determination of divisions. Report back if this was better or not.

b.      Fleece On confusing for exhibitors with multiple entries. Suggestion: Encourage show management to make labels or have exhibitors write on the back of show number cards and they must bring them to the Fleece On judging area.

c.       Fleece On awards need to be more prominent in show. It has been a problem in larger shows that take longer to report postings; it is something Show Management needs to plan for as judges do the best they can.

d.      Composite scoring needs to be streamlined/understandable by all/scoring sheet. Suggestion: Take the description paragraph from the Guidebook and paste to the Show Superintendent information in the Show Management Guide. Pam to contact Dar to make it available under the Forms and Documents tab on the website.

e.      Need "Critical success factors" for fleece show clerks/supers. Suggestion: Add to show management guidelines – Return Fleece On score cards to exhibitors by hand or lay out for them to collect. The information, notes and scores, etc. are important to the exhibitors.

f.        Grids/Rubrics – need some changes and need a Suri grid. Annualized weight charts – adjust for llamas? Comments: These weights are from ‘local’ llama fleece weights, but we still need more data. Discussion regarding how and when to collect data, and then look into adjusting the scoring for the divisions.

g.      Alpaca fleece division/judges? A long ways off in the conversations. Nothing towards this at this time.

h.      Need to simplify our criteria – Suri vs. "silky" definitions. It was suggested to the contact the Halter Committee, as they are the committee the sets the halter class descriptions, and to update and clarify in guidebook.

i.        Use of word "crimp" versus "crinkle". Suggestion: adjust the definition with more detail; “within individual fibers;” “lock consistency – organized.” Add crinkle definition to terms. Fran will write updated definitions of frequency and amplitude of crimp for the guidebook and try to come up with a new single word for crimp and crinkle; at this time, the word that best seems to fit is "structure."

4.                  Guidelines changes/edits: Being done via e-mail with suggestions and changes back to Pam in time for her to update and submit to Governing Board before final meeting of the year. 

Due to the extensive discussion on above agenda items, it was decided to table the following items from the planned agenda until the next meeting:

·         2011 Gathering show recap – may need to contact show Superintendent for this information for next meeting

·         Transfer of results to Show Manager

·         2012 Gathering

o        Workshops/Demos

§         Identifying fleece types

§         Exhibition of different fleece types / samples

§         Handouts w/descriptions of fleece types

·         Get & Produce classes for Fleece Division

Next Meeting:  Date to be determined; 8:00 EST.

Motion to adjourn was made by Fran; Rawna seconded. All ayes, motion passed. 

Meeting adjourned at 10:32 pm EDT.

Note: All motions approved by the Fleece Committee still need to be approved by the Governing Board before they go into effect.

Minutes submitted by Rawna Hamann, ILR Fleece Committee Secretary.