ILR Show Division Judges Committee Minutes - March 15, 2009
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ILR Show Division

March 22, 2010

A.     Meeting called to order 8:05 PM EDT with the following members participating: Mark Smith, Judy Steffel, Ken Austin and Beth Myers. Barb Harris sent comments on agenda in her absence.


a.       Judy moved and Ken seconded the motion to accept Beth as chairman. Approved.

b.       After much discussion, the request to give a one-time waiver to a fleece apprentice in order to allow a show to save expenses on bringing in an approved judge was unanimously denied. Reasons sighted:

                                                               i.      Setting a precedent.

                                                             ii.      Fairness to exhibitors expecting an approved judge at a sanctioned show.

                                                            iii.      Inexperience of an apprentice in handling large numbers of fleece and particularly the fleece-on classes.

                                                           iv.      Diluting the importance of points earned.

                                                             v.      May have fleece judging as a non-point class, while exhibitors still are eligible for the universal award points through ILR

c.       Discussion on fleece clinics and certification of fleece judges was discussed with several written opinions from Fran Soukup and other members and judges. It was decided to request a written outline of both a beginning and advanced clinic agenda. It was agreed that Fran has put much time and research into setting up the fleece section of our show division and we would like to defer to her expertise in this area. The clinic agenda will be subject to approval.

                                                               i.      Fran has already provided a certification chart for fleece judges. The committee will approve this as it stands for this year.

                                                             ii.      The committee unanimously agreed that a teaching judge may have two apprentices at any one fleece show

                                                            iii.      It was moved by Mark and seconded by Judy that NO apprentice may apprentice under more than one judge at a fleece show. 

d.        General judging and apprentice certification and education discussed.

                                                               i.      Mark moved and Ken seconded that “grandfathered” judges would not be required to attend a clinic. Required book test to update on ILR guidelines.

                                                             ii.      Discussion was directed to apprenticeship for “grandfathered” judges. Generally agreed on one apprenticeship under an approved teaching judge.

                                                            iii.      Criteria for certification of judges will generally be the same but may vary with specific differences among fleece, halter and performance certification. Continue discussion next meeting.

                                                           iv.      Selecting “teaching judges” to accept apprentices.

1.       Judges submit letter requesting becoming a “teaching judge.”

2.       Questionnaire to applicants.

3.       Judge not on probation.

4.       Judge has judged 2 ILR sanctioned and 4 other shows.

e.        Record keeping and filing system

                                                               i.      Discussion on keeping files in the ILR office, with website access through password for the chairman and board liaison.

1.  Individual judges files

2.  Executive session file

                        3.  Criteria file

f.    Discussion on Kristy’s Presentation and how to utilize. 


a.       Ken will prepare a rough draft on wording toward criteria for “fast track” for qualified experienced persons interested in becoming an ILR certified judge.

b.       Mark will draft apprenticeship form and procedure for submitting and follow up.

c.       Youth Judging Preparation Class tabled to later date.

D.      Next meeting:  Thursday, April 29, 2010, at 8:30 PM EDT.

E.       Meeting adjourned at 9:55 PM EDT.

Respectfully submitted,

Beth Myers, for Barb Harris, Secretary