ILR Show Division Judges Committee Minutes - January 10, 2012
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ILR Show Division

April 19, 2012

Called to order 8:00 EDT

Attending: Adrienne Hochee - Chair, Kathi McKinney - acting Secretary, Tami Lash, Phil Feiner, Beth Myers, Ken Austin


  1. Philip Feiner accepted the position of Secretary.
  1. The JC received requests for extensions for Permanent Certification from Margret Henry and Patti Morgan.  Margret Henry successfully completed the Judges Seminar held in March in Indiana. Tami moved to grant permanent certification to Margret, Beth seconded. No discussion, motion carried.
  1. Patti Morgan will need to complete a mentorship via phone or a farm visit with an approved teaching judge. The JC recommends that she arrange for a phone mentorship prior to judging her next event and immediately following that event. Philip moved to have Patti arrange a phone mentorship both prior to and immediately after judging the Jingle Bells Show, Kat seconded, No discussion, motion carried.


  1. Philip Feiner requested certification as a Teaching Judge. He has provided the necessary recommendations, judged the required number of shows, and submitted his request to the JC. Adrienne moved to accept Philips request, Kat seconded, No discussion, Philip abstained, motion carried.
  1. Debbie Shellabarger requested certification as a Teaching Judge. She has provided the necessary recommendations, judged the required number of shows, and submitted her request to the JC. Tami moved to accept Debbie’s request, Philip seconded, No discussion, motion carried.
  1. Judie Moser requested certification as a Teaching Judge. She has provided the necessary recommendations, however she has not judged the required number of shows.  Kat moved to table Judy’s request until she has judged the required number of shows, Ken seconded, No discussion, motion carried.
  1. Beth Myers requested certification as a Teaching Judge. She has provided the necessary recommendations, judged the required number of shows, and submitted her request to the JC. Tami moved to accept Beth’s request, Philip seconded, No discussion, motion carried.
  1. Rawna Hamann requested certification as a Fleece Teaching Judge. She has provided the necessary recommendations, judged the required number of shows, and submitted her request to the JC. Kat moved to accept Rawana’s request, Adrienne seconded, No discussion, motion carried.
  1. Mike Haumschild requested to enter the Fast Track program to become a certified Halter Judge. Tami moved to accept Mike into the Fast Track program, Beth seconded, no discussion, motion carried.
  1. Deb Yeagle requested to enter the Fast Track program to become a certified Halter/Performance/Youth Judge. Kat moved to accept Deb into the Fast Track program, Beth seconded, no discussion, motion carried.
  1. There have been a number of requests from individuals who attended the March Judges Seminar held in Indiana. Those individuals are: Debi Sue Aven, Vanessa Benagh, Courtnee Benson, Elaine Brovont , Venesa Carter,  Brenda Foulks,  Matt Fruits Sean Hart, Nicholas Hauptly, Raymond Kratville, Ryan Laux , Katie McCrone, Kathryn “Katie” Mazac, Josh Meador, Harvey Pool, Carol Reigh, Lisa Robinson, Mark Slovacek, Leigh Snyder, Justin Timm and Victoria Van Nevele.

Philip moved to allow those listed above to enter the Apprentice Program, Tami seconded.  Discussion followed stressing the importance of Teaching Judges being fair and honest in their evaluations of potential judges.  Tami suggested that the JC draft a letter to all teaching judges stressing the importance of their feedback and recommendations, as they are ultimately responsible for the quality of the next generation of judges.  Motion carried.

  1. A discussion ensued to establish a mechanism for the sanctioning and the removal of judges from the Judges Program. JC will review the guidelines and comment.
  1. Ken Austin left the meeting at 9:05 Eastern Time 
  1. Cathie Kindler requested to enter the Fast Track program to become a certified Halter /Performance/Youth Judge.  A number of ILR-SD members voicing concerns regarding Cathie Kindler’s participating in the ILR–SD, have contacted the JC Chair and another JC committee member. After considerable discussion, the committee has decided to table recommending Cathie Kindler until the next JC meeting in order to allow those concerned members to voice their concerns in writing/formally to the JC. Philip moved to table the decision until the next meeting, Kat seconded. Motion carried.
  1. Pauline Funk requested to be removed for the approved list of approved Fleece Judges due to personal reasons. The JC thanks Pauline for her dedication to the Fleece Division and wishes her the best of luck in future endeavors.

Motion by Philip to adjourn the meeting at 9:42pm EDT. Kat seconded, motion carried.

Adrienne Hochee