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JUDGES' COMMITTEE Minutes Present: Beth Myers, Chair; Philip Feiner, Secretary; Tami Lash Absent: Kathi (Kat) McKinney, Ken Austin Meeting called to order at 8:05PM New Business: Adrienne Hochee has resigned from the Judges Committee and from the position of Chair. In light of her resignation, the Governing Board has given the Judges Committee permission to allow Beth Myers to serve as Chair of the committee. The Judges Committee voted to accept Adrienne's resignation. A discussion was held on possible additions to the Judges Committee to be recommended to the ILR BOD. A list of candidates was compiled and will be submitted to the ILR BOD for their consideration. Norris Berg has presented some names of judges that he would like to be considered to judge the 2013 ILR Gathering. After discussion, the JC approved of Hank Kaufmann for Halter, Patti Morgan for Performance, and Rawana Hamann for Fleece. Tami moved to accept the requested judges, Philip seconded. No further discussion. Approved An attendee at the Washington State Seminar decided after attending the seminar that she wanted to enter the apprentice program. The individual originally stated that she was auditing the clinic for educational purposes only and did not participate in any testing or evaluations. The JC will notify the individual on the procedures required to enter the Apprentice Program. A letter was received from Debbie Shellabarger regarding youth wearing a banner/sash (Fair Queen, Llama Queen, Champion Showman, etc) while showing in a sanctioned ILR-SD class. Discussion ensued. The Judges Committee feels that it is ok for the youth to wear such items as described above: perhaps it will encourage youth and allow them to display their accomplishments. The JC made note that it is permissible for exhibitors to wear clothing that exhibits their farm name, etc. The committee discussed a proposed increase in judges' dues from $25.00 in 2012 to $35.00 in 2013. Tami moved to accept the requested increase, Philip seconded. No further discussion. Approved The JC recommends sending notification to all Teaching Judges and Seminar Leaders & Instructors that they are to use official ILR-SD Evaluation Forms, available on the ILR-SD website. Go to Forms and Documents Under Judges. The completed evaluation forms to be sent to the ILR-SD Judges Committee, email address: judgescommittee@lamaregistry.com. Philip will send a letter to all Teaching judges reminding them of their responsibilities to report their evaluations in a timely manner to the judges committee, where to locate forms, etc. Evaluation forms should be completed and sent to the Committee and a copy to the Judge/Apprentice being evaluated not later than two (2) weeks following the date of the evaluation. The letter will also discuss the benefits of multiple apprenticeships and the importance of being well versed with all aspects of the ILR-SD The Committee discussed the assignment and logging of responsibilities/duties of the Chair, Secretary and members of the Judges Committee. a. Responding to emails b. Assuring all members receive all correspondence c. Keeping files up to date d. Tracking progress of Apprentices, yearly Guidelines tests received, follow up information needed, etc e. Meeting Agendas, Minutes, Attend Governing Board Meetings f. Make and keep files g. Letters to Judges/Apprentices for notification of acceptance and/or status change once approved by GB The committee will continue to insure that all lines of communication are open. And that the entire Judges Committee is copied on all communications. A few modifications to the Guidelines were discussed. As a result of discussions, the committee recommends the following: 2. Guidelines corrections and additions for 2013 a. IV, A, JUDGING AND APPRENTICE JUDGES PROGRAM (For membership fees/dues, see page 9 of the ILR-SD Guidelines, III, C) b. IV, A, 3 Fast Track Program - Correct b) to read: If accepted, complete at least one of the two criteria listed under 2, b) Grandfathered Judges. c. ADD: 3, c): Complete and return to judgescommittee@lamaregistry.com current ILR-SD Yearly Judges' Guidelines test, either the HPY, Fleece or both depending on certification requested. d. IV, C, Teaching Judges Correct a) 1) to read: Give example of teaching experience or reason you feel confident in your ability to assist judge/apprentice in using & understanding the ILR-SD Guidelines at ILR-SD sanctioned shows. e. ADD: a) 2: Must have at least one (1) year as a permanently certified approved judge. f. Change a) 2 to read a) 3 g. ADD: a) 4: A permanently certified approved judge, with at least four (4) prior years judging experience, list a minimum of the four (4) most recently judged shows, two of which must be ILR-SD sanctioned shows. h. ILR-SD MEMBERSHIP FEES: (page 9 of current guidelines) 1. NO MEMBERSHIP FEE REQUIRED FOR: a. Exhibitors are not required to have an ILR-SD membership in order to show at and ILR-SD approved show (Exception: The Gathering). The entry fee may differ for those that are not members. b. For attendance at any ILR-SD approved Seminar/Clinic. A fee for participation at the seminar may be charged, but membership is not required. 2. MEMBERSHIP FEE REQUIRED: a. ILR-SD membership is required in order to record points that will accumulate toward year-end awards. b. To enter the ILR-SD Judging Apprenticeship Program c. To enter the ILR-SD Fast Track Program d. To be an ILR-SD approved or Permanently Certified Judge. Once approved as an ILR-SD Judge, Judges' fee must be paid prior to being listed on the approved judges' list or accepting any judging assignment. e. To hold any office or have membership on any committee within the ILR-SD f. To be an ILR-SD approved or Permanently Certified Judge. Once approved as an ILR-SD Judge, Judges' fee must be paid prior to being listed on the approved judges' list or accepting any judging assignment. g. To hold any office or have membership on any committee within the ILR-SD
The committee discussed Judie Moser's qualifications as a teaching judge given her considerable experience as a judge and a clinician. Tami moved to accept Judie Moser as a teaching judge, Philip seconded. No further discussion. Approved OLD BUSINESS: A discussion regarding the number of new apprentices that have entered the ILR-SD program ensued. A letter will be sent to all apprentices reminding them of their responsibilities and the protocol for notifying to show personnel, etc. A discussion was held regarding new judges and a probationary period. The committee feels that if the new judge has met all of the requirements, that there is no need for probation. Tami made a motion to adjourn at 9:17 PM. Philip Seconded. No discussion. Respectfully submitted,
Feiner, Secretary