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JUDGES' COMMITTEE Minutes Present: Beth Myers - Chair, Philip Feiner - Secretary, Tami Lash, Kathi (Kat) McKinney, Kay Berg Not Present: Ken Austin Meeting called to order at 8:04 PM EST New Business: The committee discussed options, other than Protest, when incidents of ethical, responsible and/or inappropriate personal speech or behavior by, between or among ILR-SD Judges and/or exhibitors or show officials in a public setting. Examples: Any organized lama show; any organized lama educational gathering; lama meetings, etc. The committee developed procedures at its previous meeting, which it has been following. Upon receipt of a letter with verification of facts presented, from the person or persons directly involved in the complaint and in an effort to provide fair and equal treatment, without excessive "rules" or penalties with "teeth." The Judges Committee will: Collect/investigate allegations and responses from judges/apprentices prior to any formation of opinion. The committee will discuss all of the facts and responses and discuss the best possible track to follow for a positive resolution to the issue. This procedure will pertain to judges/apprentices ONLY. A discussion ensued regarding the overall conduct of ILR-SD members, committee members, the SD Guidelines in general, etc. The JC feels it is important to develop policies dictating remedies to poor conduct on the part of Judges and Apprentice Judges. It is important that these policies be clearly stated in the Guidelines if the committee intends to act on them. All issues will be treated individually and handled on a case by case basis. The JC has the right to resolve any situation where judges and/or apprentice judges exhibit undesirable conduct. The JC intends to create a code of conduct in time for the publication of the 2013 Guidelines. Old Business: The JC reviewed the incident at the Iowa show after a complaint was received by a member and a response was received from the judge whose actions are being questioned. The JC is developing a response to the offending party. The JC has again reviewed the incident that took place regarding the Spokane Fair. Since no one with first hand knowledge has complained directly to the JC, we feel that this issue cannot be discussed or acted upon.. As reviewed at the last JC meeting, the JC feels that ALL ILR-SD Judges complete criteria be the same regardless if they are Halter, Performance, Youth or Fleece Judges. a. One seminar b. Apprentice as necessary - w/suggested extra training c. TJ upon criteria for TJ completed Kat moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:34 PM EST. Kay seconded, no discussion, meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted,
Feiner, Secretary