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JUDGES' COMMITTEE Minutes Present: Beth Myers - Chair, Philip Feiner - Secretary, Tami Lash, Kathi (Kat) McKinney, Ken Austin, Kay Berg Absent: Meeting called to order at 8:05 PM EST New Business: Courtney Benson has requested to be approved as an ILR-SD Judge, HPY. After discussion, and review of her evaluations, the JC recommends that she apprentice at one additional event, to give her additional experience in evaluating and scoring performance classes. Philip moved to accept the JC recommendation of an additional apprenticeship, Kat seconded. No further discussion. Approved Rick Neal has requested acceptance into the ILR-SD Fast Track Program. The JC has received the required number of letters of recommendations. After review of the materials submitted, the JC recommends that Rick Neal be allowed to enter the ILR-SD Fast Track Program. Philip moved to accept Rick entering the Fast Track Program, Kay seconded. No further discussion. Approved Rose Bloom has requested acceptance into the ILR-SD Judge - Fleece. Upon review of the comments by the judges with whom she apprenticed, the JC recommends approval. Kat moved to accept Rose as a certified Fleece judge, Tami seconded. No further discussion. Approved The JC received a complaint by an exhibitor regarding a judge and his/her perceived lack of clarity in placing and inadequate oral reasons. After considerable discussion, the JC will work on a mechanism/procedure to address these situations. Working with the JC Chair, the JC Secretary will create Spreadsheet to track receipt of the annual Guidelines test for Judges/Apprentices and another to track requirements, positive or negative results, shows/Judges where apprenticeship was accomplished, dates and other experience. Ken Austin left the meeting at 8:53 PM EST The JC discussed elaborating on the language in the Guidelines as it relates to Farm Mentorships. In its annual letter to judges and apprentices out in early 2013, the Secretary will add language elaborating on the Mentorship Program. Harvey Pool has submitted a request to host a Fleece Seminar the first weekend in May 2013. He has secured Mary Jo Miller and Judy Ross to lead the seminar. After discussion, the JC recommends approval of a Fleece seminar on May 3,4, & 5 2013. Kat moved to accept the JC recommendation a Fleece Seminar, Kay seconded. No further discussion. Approved The JC Secretary will send a letter to Harvey Pool advising him of the details regarding holding a Seminar. Kat moved to accept sending the letter, Tami seconded. No further discussion. Approved Old Business: The committee has had extensive discussion regarding changes to the 2012 Guidelines and the addition of a Code of Ethics to Judges and Apprentices. Included in these discussions is the fact that ILR-SD membership is not required for an Apprentice Judge to attend a Judges Seminar. Kat moved that no membership fee be required, Philip seconded. No further discussion. Approved Philip moved that the Guidelines for HPY Judges mirror the Guidelines for Fleece judges. In all cases, an Apprentice Judge will be required to apprentice at a minimum of three shows. Tami seconded. No further discussion. Approved The JC discussed modifications to the Fleece section Guidelines. In an effort to keep the Guidelines consistent between Fleece and HPY, a second Seminar will not be required in order for a Fleece apprentice to proceed. After they have completed their required three apprenticeships and if their evaluations warrant additional education, then another Seminar or Mentorship may be required. Kat moved to approve the Fleece Guidelines section as modified. Kay seconded. No further discussion. Approved The remainder of proposed Guidelines modifications was discussed including the addition of a Code of Conduct for Judges and Apprentices. Philip moved to approve changes. Kat seconded. No further discussion. Approved Another year-end meeting was scheduled for December 11, 2012. Philip moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:53PM. Tami seconded. No further discussion. Approved Respectfully submitted,
Feiner, Secretary