ILR Show Division
January 25, 2009
Meeting called to order at 7:05 EST.
Members attending Karen Baum , Deb Garvin, Jim Krowka, Tami
Lash, Brian Patterson, Tom Rothering
– Establishing committee guidelines:
Committee discussed the need to "reply to all" when responding
via email or else to make sure that the email is being sent to
It was noted that outside help and input or opinions should be
sent to all committee members if it is going to be used as
reference for committee decisions.
Being respectful to one another was considered an essential part
of all committee communication.
The committee agreed the guidelines for ethical procedures sent
in an email by Fr. Ryan are appropriate to follow.
Tabling topics and ways to maintain forward
momentum were briefly discussed.
Tami asked if Secretary and Chair could work together in keeping
data recorded. Jim agreed.
AGENDA ITEM 2 –- Budget Items:
As per Jim's request for information regarding the recent email
request for donations to the ILR show division, Tami and Karen
provided background and information regarding show division
The budget for the Performance Committee was discussed with
Phone Calls and Award Certificates being the primary items. It
was suggested there might be cheaper alternatives to the
conference calls which would be explored.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – ILR/UAP point system and how this affects the
Performance Division:
Discussion involved a variety of aspects pertaining to the UAP
document sent to committee members this week. How points are
awarded, moving up in level, keeping the competition friendly
(compared to cutthroat type of competition experienced in other
species) and level of achievement formats were all discussed.
Committee consensus favored level of achievement format but
agreed as noted by Tami that at this time it would likely
overwhelm show
management and participants. It was discussed that level of
achievement formats could be developed and a prototype set up
for show management to utilize at their discretion. Karen
recommended keeping the level format in mind when structuring
the performance format.
Agenda item was tabled for continued development and discussion.
Jim would continue to work of developing a prototype format.
Once developed for this year whether to hold level of
achievement trials could be left up to the discretion of show
management. Further implementation could occur in 2010.
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Division rules:
After discussion a motion was made by Jim and seconded by Debi
to recommend a 10 obstacle per class requirement for all
divisions including youth (with the minutes to be passed on to
the youth committee.) Tami noted she would not have a problem
with an 8 obstacle course but would go along with committee and
a 10 obstacle course format was approved.
Discussion moved to discussion of youth rules, specifically
regarding showing in youth and adult classes with the same
llama. The committee agreed to recommend to show management
that youth courses in Companion, Trail and Freestyle divisions
differ significantly from adult classes by no less than 6
obstacles or trial tasks. The committee talked about safety and
that the judges decision would be final regarding course safety
for competitors.
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Classes to be offered within each division:
Novice and Advanced, or Open Youth Junior – age 8-11
Youth Intermediate – age 12-18 (for 2009 only: youth has shown
less than 3 years)
Youth Advanced – age 12-18 (for 2009 only: youth has shown more
than 3 years)
Committee consensus agreed with this and the youth committee who
had already approved these.
It was also agreed that show management could have discretion
regarding what divisions to offer.
Discussion moved to recommended obstacles. It was agreed that
Debi would work on Companion , Tom on Freestyle, and Brian (and
Jim) on Trail.
Discussion moved to performance division rules and the following
list was developed.
Suggested Performance Rules
(these will continually be worked on, shared with other
committees, etc. until final approval of our list of Performance
Rules by the SD-GB):
1). Courses to consist of 10 obstacles or tasks; except for
Jr. Youth and Novice courses which will consist of 8 tasks.
Optional course size at discretion of show management.
2). If youth are allowed to show in non-youth classes,
courses must differ significantly by a minimum of 6
3). Once a Novice animal has received 35 points, they must
move to Advanced.
4). Animals must show in the appropriate division. Advanced
animals should not show in Novice classes.
5). Handler and animal must negotiate all obstacles or
performs all tasks in a safe manner.
6). In all performance classes, the handler may choose not
to negotiate an obstacle themselves, unless otherwise specified
by the course designer.
7). No open toed shoes are allowed in any class.
8). Voice and/or hand commands may be used. The use of
training devices such as clickers or food is not allowed.
9). If more than one attempt is allowed on a task/obstacle,
the penalty for the first refusal /incomplete must be assessed
prior to the second attempt (i.e. if a refusal is three points
the maximum number of points an animal may be awarded on the
second attempt is 7).
10). In all Open, Novice and Advance courses, once an animal
has 3 refusals, they are finished being judged and may be
dismissed from the course. Judge's discretion may allow them to
finish the course in an unobstructed manner. All youth classes
complete the courses regardless of refusals encountered.
11). No exhibitors may practice in or on obstacles provided
for the show, to be used in their classes/courses, at any time
during the show. Show Management has the right to offer practice
12). Obstacles may be numbered for the ease of the exhibitors.
13). Site rules take precedence over ILR rules and show
management has the discretion to limiting Youth showing same
animal through Novice, Advance or Open classes.
14). Show Management also has the discretion to limit multiple
Youth Showing same animal.
15). For all shows, for all courses, the Officiating Judge has
the final say for all Courses.
16). If Judge deems an unsafe Obstacle/Task, said judge has
the right for that Obstacle/Task to be removed or altered.
Tom expressed concern about liability for show management
regarding obstacle classes. Discussion noted that equine events
often involve considerably more risk than llama events and that
liability protection utilized for equine events could work for
llamas. The committee will investigate this further.
It was recommended that show management be allowed the option to
offer obstacle courses for competitors with disability.
The committee unanimously agreed that all rules set in place
now remain in effect until January 2010.
The committee discussed a face to face meeting for all
committees and the ILR-SD-GB. Concerns were noted about the
necessity and expense for this type of meeting for the
committees at this time, especially if not everyone was able to
attend. Further discussion noted that a meeting of such could
accommodate urgent timely needs in one weekend, as to several
teleconference calls throughout the months.
Tom questioned what timeline or deadline were we under for rules
for 2009 show season. It was noted a show in Oregon in February
has already been set up and the next ones will be in early
March. No specific deadline was set but the end of February
is likely when most of our initial setup for rules and policy
for the 2009 showing season should be complete.
Next meeting
was scheduled for Saturday, January 31 at 7pm ET (Jim later
informed the group by email that a conflict came up and 8pm ET
would be a better time for him so this was changed to 8pm ET
Saturday January 31.)
Meeting adjourned at
9pm ET.
Respectfully submitted for approval,
Jim Krowka
ILR Show Division Performance Committee