ILR Show Division
February 15, 2009
Meeting called to order at 8:05 EST.
Members attending Karen Baum , Deb Garvin, Jim Krowka,
Tami Lash, Tom Rothering, Patti Morgan.
In between committee meetings, member Brian Patterson had to
resign due to personal commitments and has been replaced with
Patti Morgan.
Agenda Item 1 – Welcome:
The committee welcomed Patti Morgan to the
Agenda Item 2 – Minutes approval:
The committee unanimously approved the
minutes from the meetings of January 25 & 31.
The committee was reminded about the 48 hour response time for
committee email discussion to approve or comment on issues.
Agenda Item 3. Approve:
a) Companion/PR
b) Freestyle/Obstacle Tasks
c) Trail/Pack Tasks
d) Performance Guides and Gauges
e) Performance Rules
f) Performance Score Sheet
Considerable discussion time took place in
which the group discussed various tasks in each division over
which concern had arisen, and clarified and/or revised specific
points in each. Safety after water tasks due to slipping
was an important concern discussed that will need additional
discussion and discretion from Show Management and judges during
a show regarding the safety.
The committee discussed and approved of the suggestions sent
from the youth committee.
The committee agreed to go with the current scoring form drawn
up by Tami with the options to change once that topic has been
thoroughly discussed.
The committee unanimously approved of items a) through f) above
with final approval of revised editions to be done through email
so that these could be sent to the GB in time for their next
meeting and to be uploaded onto the ILR-SD web
pages. (Subsequent approval of these occurred via email post
committee meeting.)
Next Meeting Date: March 7, 2009 8pm ET.
Meeting adjourned
10:15pm ET.
Respectfully submitted for approval,
Jim Krowka
ILR Show Division Performance Committee