ILR Show Division Performance Committee Minutes - March 7, 2009
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ILR Show Division

March 7, 2009

Meeting called to order at 8:05 EST

Members attending Deb Garvin, Jim Krowka, Tami Lash, Tom Rothering, Patti Morgan (could stay only for first hour of meeting)

Agenda Item 1

Approve minutes of 2-15-09 meeting -

Minutes unanimously approved.

Agenda Item 2

ILR-SD-Structure from the GB

At a late moment Tami had received an email from Father Ryan, forwarded to the Performance committee. This was a request for our committee to give him a mission statement and responsibilities. Our committee understood these were already covered in the document titled: ILR-SD-Structure-A1 sent out to us by ILR President Mark Smith. Tami sent a response to Father Ryan as to that effect, copied to the PC.  His response was that this was a proto-type and committees could edit or change these to better reflect both mission and responsibilities.

The committee agreed to prioritize this in email meeting discussion.

Agenda Item 3

Reminder to sign all email replies to facilitate organizing members comments and discussion.  It was agreed that if colors were used each member’s responses could be identified better within the body of the email documents.  Colors to be used-Debi – Pink , Jim – Blue, Karen – Red

Patti - Black, Tami - Purple, Tom – Green

Agenda Item 4

Reply to mini llama group

Reply to Niki K

Performance concerns – Maryan Baker

Committee agreed these letters and concerns had been either resolved or answered to the best of the Performance committees’ ability.

Karen's suggestion sent through Tami, was to keep a file of dated documents and/or emails as they come into our group from ILR-SD members with member concerns. Each one of us needs to share these concerns as they come in and Jim is going to keep these files. Even if we receive a phone call, we can suggest to these folks to please email the ILR-PC and even the GB. However we have all experienced in the past when we have suggested the same, and not everyone is willing to do this, for a variety of reasons. We will trust each other to then bring this to our PC in the manner of an email and if in the future we need to address this further with the individual, we can contact them personally for verification. The committee agreed this would be good policy.

Karen's suggestion and committee agreed, when it comes to major changes to seek ILR member input.

Karen's suggestion and committee agreed, once we have our scoring set to our approval, these documents will be sent to both the JC and the YC before finalizing and sending into the GB.

Agenda Item 4

Showmanship concern from our group?

The performance committee has not been involved with the ILR-SD Showmanship classes, so we will ask members to share that they recommend the PC become involved, when we receive member concerns.

Agenda Item 5

Patti time to comment on Texas Shows/Youth Group

Patti reflected on Youth Scholarships with the Texas groups and how decisions we make can effect these awards. We have agreed as a committee that when we make changes in the future, we will try to make sure these will still accommodate these youth awards. Specifically was the concern with Levels of Achievement not allowing for final class placings. Since this has also been a concern shared with me by a member, it would be good, and our group agrees, when we come to them, that we still allow for the way for show management to place out these classes.

Agenda Item 6

Jim timed pack removal concern.

This was based on a 60 sec for novice, 45 second for advanced limit on pack removal as part of one task in the trail/pack class at the recent show in Oregon.  Jim’s concern was that this could lead to sloppiness, the use of quick to get on and off yet less trail suitable pack systems, and cause a resultant safety issue and message to those with little knowledge of packing.   Patti was able to shed some light on this issue.  Jim also noted that pack removal should be unnecessary as a task in advanced divisions and perhaps not in novice either.  All agreed this was a boring part of any trail course and noted it might be better included in level of achievement trials.  The committee agreed we did not need to have any further discussion concerning this at this time even though the safety concerns were not fully satisfied.

Agenda Item 7

Debi's Suggestions – novice handler – letter on youth, youth earning points on llama.

The committee consensus, with Karen as the only member disagreeing in previous email discussion, was that youth could show in advanced adult classes or show in youth classes but not in both.  The issue of multiple youth showing the same llama was agreed was not a specific concern of this committee at this time. We realized this conflicted with youth committee concerns.  It was agreed that in the event that Show Management does allow youth to show the same animal in the open classes, our PC requests at those shows that the Open, Advanced and Novice classes be run first, before any of the Youth Classes.

Agenda Item 8

Budget - Amend our budget to include the development of instruction materials as they are developed. A beginning range of $200 was agreed to add in.

Agenda Item 9

Can ILR post performance photos, course design and instruction on ILR website.

The committee favors whatever use the ILR website can be as a resource to highlight achievement and learning.

Agenda Item 10

Rename Novice or ask the youth to rename?

The committee did not consider renaming the novice class for adult divisions a necessity or priority.

Agenda Item 11

Down pasterns in pack classes.

Discussion involved those llamas who might physically be compromised by participating in classes such as trail/pack for which a sound structure would be necessary. The committee  agreed to table the down in pasterns issue, as we all had differing recollections concerning this issue and did not feel it was the need for our PC at the present time to address this issue.

Agenda Item 12

Adding pack weight verbiage to the division description: Exhibitor discretion to add weight to packs for animals 36 months and older. In that event the weight should not exceed 40 lbs for full grown llamas, and 10 pounds for mini llamas and alpacas.

Agenda Item 13

Scoring and performance champions.

The committee agreed that the top three Performance classes will be tabulated for the Performance Champions. 

For instance if a show offers driving, obstacle driving, along with freestyleOB, CompanionPR, and Trail/Pack all animals are equally eligible for the Performance Champion, and the top 3 placements given per animal will be the classes used in tabulation for the Performance Champion.

There had been concern about awarding novice performance champions, due to the inference of the word “champion” as being the best of the best.  Jim noted it might be better to rename the award “high point novice award”.

Discussion noted this issue may be regionally specific with some Novice Performance classes being the largest entered and supported. We also realize all performance animals, regardless of novice or advanced, generally pay more to exhibit at a show and in our 'give back more mode' we feel it is important to award these animals. The group consensus favored allowing shows to give Novice Performance Champions.  This aligns with the ILR UAP already in place.

The group also agreed that once a  novice animal earns 35 points per class, they be moved up to the advanced division. Additionally, the overall Performance Champion award certificate could not be earned with a combination of Novice Performance Championships and Advanced Performance Championships. However, when shows offer open classes only and do not divide novice and advanced,  sometimes these novice animals are so named the overall Performance Champion at that show. Those Championships should count.

The committee agreed for now to keep the performance scoring at 10 points, with each task beginning with 10 points and deductions made from there.

The committee agreed to begin work here with the recommendations shared with us by Jim under his definitions and guidelines. Tami will also be sharing

some sheets created to help apprentices in this process.


Since this phone meeting the following recommendations and concerns were sent to the GB for review and/or approval:

Performance Committee Proposals for the upcoming GB Meeting on 3-18-09:

1.  As requested the following is a mission statement and list of responsibilities prepared by the Performance Committee for GB approval:

Performance Committee

Mission Statement: To explore the spectrum of relationship that can be achieved between human and llama by providing a fun, exciting and challenging forum of trials and activities that highlight and promote the versatility and intelligence of llamas and alpacas, and which encourages and rewards participation, camaraderie and achievement for humans and lama of all ages.

Responsibilities: To establish rules, guidelines and classes for the performance division of ILR; develop an awards system; provide educational materials to the exhibitors and judges and coordinate with the youth, rules, and judges committee for consistency.

2. Budget – For the development of instruction materials as they are needed for judges and members, a beginning range of $200 is being requested by the performance committee to add in.

3. Performance Rules – In the event that Show Management does allow youth to show the same animal in the open classes, the PC requests at those shows that the Open, Advanced and Novice classes be run first, before any of the Youth Classes.

4. Trail/Pack Tasks – We would like the additional verbiage to be added:

"Exhibitor discretion to add weight to packs for animals 36 months and older. In that event the weight should not exceed 40 lbs for full grown llamas, and 10 pounds for mini llamas and alpacas."

5. The performance committee agreed to and would like to recommend the following for the awarding of the Performance Champions:

Performance Champions can be offered at ILR shows for:



            The top three Performance scores will be tabulated for the Performance Champions. 

For instance if a show offers pleasure driving, obstacle driving, along with freestyle OB, Companion PR, and Trail/Pack all animals are equally eligible for the Performance Champion, and the top 3 placements (or scores) given per animal will be the classes used in tabulation of Performance Champion.

6. The past couple days have resulted in more showmanship concerns from members:

    1) Showmanship …… is about the handler and llama not just another halter class, we already have them.

    2) ………WHAT do they mean?  I think it (showmanship) should be treated as a special class because it is!  It is not just another halter class...........there are lots of things that people should do in showmanship that they don't do. It shows an additional level of expertise in showing an animal to it's best advantage.

    3) One member shared concern that the other show association’s new showmanship rules are very similar to what the ILR-HC have implemented. They are very upset with that standard and do not feel this is right in how a showmanship class should be run.

If we can implement policy in this area to be inclusive of more options, future response to these concerns can be addressed to our whole committee.  Since Showmanship is covered in other Livestock Associations under Performance and due to a varying degree of concerns it seems appropriate for ILR-SD shows to have the flexibility to be able to offer one of two types of point earning Showmanship options:

Showmanship as it currently is defined under the ILR-SD-HC


Showmanship at Halter: Where the ability of the handler is judged in respect to their relationship with their animal. Giving judges the freedom to run this class like a Showmanship class, differing from halter classes, with options of pattern work and a change of pace.  

Next Meeting Date

Thursday, April 9 @ 8:00 p.m. EST.

Meeting adjourned 10:15pm ET

Respectfully submitted for approval,

Jim Krowka 
ILR Show Division Performance Committee