ILR Show Division Youth Committee Minutes - April 9, 2009
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ILR Show Division

April 9, 2009

The Youth Committee meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. CST on Thursday, April 9th. Members present were Beth Myers, Seth Onsager, Debbie Shellabarger, Kristy Brown and Kelly Gisch. 

On the agenda was the discussion and approval of the ILR Youth Division rules and guidelines. The following items were discussed and approved:

Descriptive paragraph under the heading was approved as written.

(Motion: Kelly Gisch, Second: Kristy Brown) Motion passed unanimously. 

Section A, the Youth Mission Statement, was previously approved.

Section B, ILR Sanctioned Shows was approved with the following change to #6:

6.  No minimum entries are needed in each division to accumulate points for yearend ILR awards. This was voted upon with the stipulation that if this was not acceptable, the Youth Committee would be willing to compromise in one of two ways. An acceptable compromise would be that no minimum entries would be needed for Junior and Novice divisions only. Another acceptable compromise would be that a minimum number of two entries would be needed for each age division.

(Motion: Seth Onsager, Second: Kristy Brown) Motion passed unanimously.

Section C, Age Divisions, was approved as written.

(Motion: Seth Onsager, Second: Debbie Shellabarger) Motion passed unanimously

Section D, ILR Membership, was previously approved.

Section E, Animal Eligibility, was approved with the following addition to #4: Final decision is at the discretion of the judge.

(Motion: Kristy Brown, Second: Debbie Shellabarger) Motion passed unanimously.

Section F, Youth Dress/Attire, was previously approved.

Section G, Approved Youth Point Classes, was previously approved.

Section H, Optional Youth Non-Point Classes, was approved with the following addition under the heading:  As the show division develops and interest increases, some of these may become point classes. and the following addition to #7: (non-point for 2009 only, until structure is determined)

(Motion: Seth Onsager, Second: Debbie Shellabarger) Motion passed unanimously.

Section I, Class Description and Guidelines

#1.Youth Showmanship, was approved as written. 

(Motion: Kristy Brown, Second: Kelly Gisch) Motion passed unanimously.

#2. Youth Performance Classes, was approved as written.

(Motion: Seth Onsager, Second: Debbie Shellabarger) Motion passed unanimously.

#3. Youth Freestyle Obstacle, and #4. Youth Companion/PR, were approved as written.

(Motion: Seth Onsager, Second: Debbie Shellabarger) Motion passed unanimously.

#5. Youth Trail/Pack, was approved as written.

(Motion: Debbie Shellabarger, Second: Kelly Gisch) Motion passed unanimously.

Section J, Optional Class Descriptions

#1. Sub Junior, and #2 Costume, were approved with the following addition to 2a: Narrative may be used but is not required.

(Motion: Debbie Shellabarger, Second: Kelly Gisch) Motion passed unanimously.

#3. Short Stack, was approved with the following change to 3b: Only partial points will be awarded if one animal fails to complete task.

(Motion: Seth Onsager, Second: Kristy Brown) Motion passed unanimously.

#4. Pack Model Halter, was approved with the following addition to heading: (suitability to task)

(Motion: Kristy Brown, Second: Seth Onsager) Motion passed unanimously.

#5. Performance Model Halter, was approved with the following addition to heading: (suitability to task) and the following addition: d. Animal having a cooperative demeanor with a calm disposition.

(Motion Seth Onsager, Second: Debbie Shellabarger) Motion passed unanimously.

#6. Ground Driving, was approved as written.

(Motion: Kristy Brown, Second: Seth Onsager) Motion passed unanimously.

#7. Youth Judging, will have the following addition: Spectators are permitted, however, audience members interfering with the class or “coaching” exhibitors will be asked to leave. All committee members will work on items for a Youth Judging Manual. It was agreed that a very descriptive and educational manual will be needed.

Section K, Youth Awards

#1. Individual Show Youth Champion and Reserve, was previously approved.

#2. Sportsmanship Award. Suggestion was made to allow youth to vote and choose winner of this award.  The consensus of the committee was that this is a good idea. Kristy Brown will email a sample form to committee members to consider. This item was tabled for complete criteria and ballot. 

#3. Yearend Youth Awards, was approved.


Junior Overall High Point Youth

Novice Overall High Point Youth

Advanced Overall High Point Youth

Junior High Point Youth Freestyle Obstacle

Novice High Point Youth Freestyle Obstacle

Advanced High Point Youth Freestyle Obstacle

Junior High Point Youth Companion

Novice High Point Youth Companion

Advanced High Point Youth Companion

Junior High Point Youth Trail/Pack

Novice High Point Youth Trail/Pack

Advanced High Point Youth Trail/Pack

Junior High Point Youth Showmanship

Novice High Point Youth Showmanship

Advanced High Point Youth Showmanship

(Motion: Kristy Brown, Second: Debbie Shellabarger) Motion passed unanimously.

Section L, Youth Scholarships. Eligibility guidelines and criteria need to be determined, all committee members will work on this. The number of scholarships given for a. will not exceed ten. The number of scholarships given for b. will not exceed five. The amount per scholarship given in item b. will not exceed $100. 

The discussion moved to information that could be posted in a Youth section of the ILR website.  The following items were suggested for inclusion: 

1. About Us Page: Committee members, History & Bylaws, Statistics

2. Activities: Scholarships, Youth Awards, Leadership Conference, Contests, Championship Show, Preparing a llama for Exhibition

3. What's New: Calendar of Events, Online Publications, News, Rule Changes

4. Applications/Forms: Youth Membership, Contest Applications, Scholarships, Youth/Llama of the Year Awards)

5. Body parts diagram, conformation vocabulary

At this point we do not yet know how often the page will be able to be updated, how much space we would have, or whether or not we would be able to archive. Seth Onsager will work on this item.

Upon motion by Debbie Shellabarger, seconded by Kristy Brown, the meeting adjourned at 8:53 p.m. CST.

Respectfully submitted by Kelly Gisch, ILR-SD Youth Committee Secretary